How Motor Home Insurance Protects Your Personal Property

Understanding Motorhome and Personal Property Insurance

Purchasing a motorhome requires added insurance coverage that protects your new investment. However, the policy should also provide provisional coverage for your personal property. The Rickey McGill Insurance Agency of Arlington, TX staff can provide options that safeguard your motorhome and personal property.

What Personal Property is Covered

Motorhome insurance does protect your personal property from theft, loss, and damage. Some items that are included in a standard policy are clothing, shoes, laptops, mobile phones, and appliances. However, high-end items such as jewelry or fine art should have their own insurance policy. If these personal items are under a motorhome insurance policy, you will never gain full market value.

Add Comprehensive Coverage to Your Existing Policy

Adding comprehensive coverage to your existing motorhome insurance policy will expand the protection for your personal property. This is especially helpful if damage occurs in an on-road accident. Insurance brokers call the coverage "accidental loss or damage." The terms of the policy will cover personal property damage or loss from the accident.

Also, comprehensive coverage will protect you should your personal property be stolen or lost from the motorhome. The coverage pays for all costs of repairing or replacing the stolen or lost personal items. The addition of comprehensive coverage offers no delay in the claim process, even if the local authorities recover all stolen or lost personal property items. It is a worthwhile investment for all motorhome owners.

Your mobile home hosts many of your personal property, especially if the vehicle is your temporary residence while traveling from one location to another. The staff at Rickey McGill Insurance Agency of Arlington, TX can tailor an insurance policy that meets your specific needs. Call and schedule an appointment today.

Three Things You Should Know About RV Insurance

Are you planning to purchase a recreational vehicle in Arlington, TX? It’s crucial that you adequately protect your new investment. Given the high costs associated with these vehicles, finding the right insurance policy and understanding the nuances of its terms are vital. At Rickey McGill Insurance Agency, we can provide you with the appropriate policy to safeguard your investment.

1. Distinguishing Between Part-Time and Full-Time Living

Selecting the correct designation is where many RV owners falter. Insurance companies categorize RV owners based on their liability risk. Part-time RV users utilize their vehicles only occasionally. On the other hand, full-time RV users use their RV at least 150 days a year. Full-time users are further divided into those who maintain a physical home and those who don’t. Coverage for the latter will typically be more comprehensive. Hence, ensure you choose accurately.

2. Deciphering Actual Cash Value, Replacement Value, and Agreed Value

Understanding these terms can be challenging. If your RV is brand-new, you qualify for replacement value in the event of a total loss. You can choose between actual cash value or agreed value for those not qualifying for replacement value. Actual cash value provides a payout of your RV’s worth at the time of the loss. A third-party evaluation is necessary for the agreed value to ascertain the payout amount.

3. Importance of Personal Contents Coverage

Your RV stores a multitude of personal belongings, especially if it’s your full-time residence.Likeo home insurance, it’s beneficial to have coverage for your clothes, electronics, and other items. Specific risks, such as severe storms, can damage the interior contents even if your RV remains intact.

Your RV insurance policy can be tailored to meet your specific needs. The experienced professionals at Rickey McGill Insurance Agency, serving Arlington, TX, can explain your coverage options and design a customized policy. Contact our office today to begin the process of obtaining your quote.

Claiming for Damage from Wildlife Animals in Motorcycle Insurance

Motorcycles are vulnerable to damage from wildlife around Arlington, TX, from a collision with a deer to scratches from smaller animals or even damage while parked outdoors. Motorcycle insurance can cover these incidents. However, comprehending how to file a claim is crucial for receiving rightful compensation.

Evaluating the Damage

Once you identify damage from wildlife on your motorcycle, the initial step involves assessing and documenting the damage. Collect evidence of the animal’s presence, such as tracks, fur, or photos of the animal itself, if possible. This documentation could help corroborate your insurance claim.

Reporting the Incident

For significant damage caused by a larger animal, like a deer, it’s critical to report the incident to law enforcement and file a police report. Reporting might not be necessary for minor cases or damage that took place while the motorcycle was parked. However, checking with your insurance provider about the necessary steps is always wise.

Submitting Your Claim

Contact your motorcycle insurance provider as soon as feasible after observing the damage. Provide them with all the gathered details. Describe the event in detail, including the time, location, and circumstances surrounding the wildlife encounter. Your assigned adjuster might conduct an on-site inspection or ask for additional information to assess your claim accurately.

Claims Disposition

Upon reviewing your claim, your insurance company will offer a settlement to cover the repair costs. If everything is in order, they will disburse the payment, allowing you to restore your motorcycle and get back on the road.

Rickey McGill Insurance Agency Is Here to Serve You

Rickey McGill Insurance Agency uses its domain knowledge to meet your insurance requirements. We serve the surrounding areas of Arlington, TX. Contact us today.

Watercraft Coverage: What Counts as a “Water Craft”

Watercraft coverage is more encompassing than just boats and hovercrafts. It includes any vehicle designed to traverse water, such as ships, submersible vehicles, and even submarines. If you’re unsure of the type of coverage you require, the seasoned professionals at Rickey McGill Insurance Agency in Arlington, TX, are here to assist you.

What Counts as a Watercraft?

A watercraft is any vehicle capable of journeying through or on water. Non-navigable floating structures, non-powered watercraft, equipment, and waterborne structures do not count as watercraft. Put simply, anything that cannot be steered in the water does not qualify as a watercraft.

The list of watercraft includes:

  • Boats
  • Personal watercraft (jet skis, wave runners, aqua bikes, etc.)
  • Yachts
  • Canoes and Kayaks
  • Commercial watercraft (ferries, tour boats, etc.)
  • Hovercrafts
  • And more.

If you’re uncertain whether your watercraft is covered by insurance, we encourage you to contact us. Our professionals can guide you in determining the type of coverage you need and if your existing policy covers it.

We can assist in the transition should you need to change policies and help you obtain appropriate insurance for other types of properties.

Why Watercraft Coverage is Essential

Coverage for unconventional watercraft vehicles is vital because numerous incidents can occur on the water, ranging from damages to personal injuries. Ensuring you have the right coverage is crucial, or you could face large, unexpected expenses.

That’s where we step in. Our team at Rickey McGill Insurance Agency can assist with your coverage. This will ensure your next watercraft is protected and give you peace of mind while traversing the waters of Arlington, TX.

Three Things to Consider When Shopping for Umbrella Insurance

Umbrella insurance is a type of insurance that provides extra coverage beyond the limits provided by typical insurance policies. It can provide extra coverage for events like property damage or injuries. At Rickey McGill Insurance Agency, servicing Arlington, TX, we help our clients find the best umbrella insurance policy for them. 

If you’ve never shopped for umbrella insurance before, you may have questions about what to consider when shopping for this kind of policy. We’re here to help. Below are three things to consider when shopping for umbrella insurance. 

1. Is This Enough Coverage?

It can be hard to pick the right level of coverage for your umbrella insurance policy. Knowing what your goals are can help. Your insurance agent can help you go over the policy limits to find the level of coverage that helps you meet your goals.

If you have concerns, for example, that your home insurance policy doesn’t provide enough coverage for property damage, your insurance agent will have strategies for finding the appropriate level of coverage. 

2. Is the Cost Right For My Budget?

How much can you spend on an umbrella policy? Have a number in mind when you’re shopping around. Keep in mind that premiums can change annually, so it’s important to have a semi-flexible budget for this type of expense. 

3. Am I Working With the Right Insurance Agent?

Look for an insurance agent who answers your questions and provides helpful strategies for finding the right insurance policy. At Rickey McGill Insurance Agency, servicing Arlington, TX, our customers often have questions when trying to find an insurance policy. We’re ready to answer those questions so our customers can make an informed decision. 

Want to know more about umbrella insurance? Call today. 

Does Condo Insurance Cover Tenant Damage?

Renting out a condo is an excellent way to generate passive income. However, it’s not without risks. A destructive tenant or a tenant who refuses to pay monthly rent could cost you thousands of dollars. That’s why screening potential tenants before signing a contract is wise. An Arlington, TX property management company can help you with this task, although you can do it without professional help. Another way to protect your investment is to purchase condo insurance.

What Does Condo Insurance Cover?

Condo insurance covers two main types of damage. The first type is damage caused by a natural disaster, such as a flood, fire, hail, wind, or snow. The second type is accidental tenant damage. For example, if your tenant’s child throws a ball in the house and breaks a window, your condo insurance should cover the damage. The same point applies if your tenant forgets a pot on the stove and inadvertently starts a kitchen fire.

Unfortunately, condo insurance policies don’t cover intentional tenant damage. For example, your insurance won’t compensate you if your tenant is angry about a potential eviction and decides to smash the doors and kitchen cupboards. You’ll need to either sue the tenant once they are out of the house or use the security deposit to fund the repair of your condo. 

Get Help from Rickey McGill Insurance Agency

Rickey McGill Insurance Agency has a track record of providing top-tier service to condo owners in and around Arlington, TX. Call us to learn more about condo insurance policy options or to get a policy quote. We’ll work with you to ensure your valuable investment has the insurance it needs to generate the long-term income you’re counting on.

Should Your Health Prevent You From Attempting to Acquire Life Insurance?

We get many life insurance questions at Rickey McGill Insurance Agency of Arlington, TX. Many of these questions involve misperceptions about life insurance that prevent many from seeking coverage.

There are misperceptions about costs and health exams. Some avoid even applying for life insurance because of their age or health conditions.

The reality is that life insurance is more accessible than ever. More companies are accepting applications from a variety of people with insurable challenges. Here is why you shouldn’t allow health issues to stop you from getting life insurance:

Health Examinations Have Been Relaxed

Many companies will consider your application without a health exam. Of course, the larger the policy and the more questionable health issues you may face, the more likely insurability or rates will be impacted.

Companies Are Specializing in Higher Risk Applicants

Some life insurance companies are tapping into the market of applicants who may have previously been uninsurable. These may include consumers with diabetes, high blood pressure, and even cancer. Rates may be adjusted, but protection may still be available.

Size, Weight, and Age Aren’t Necessarily Deal Breakers

Applicants who may be a bit older or overweight may not immediately be dismissed from coverage. Even if you face health challenges, you should still apply.

There Are Options

Don’t assume your physical condition or limitations may disqualify you from life insurance coverage. There may be a few more hoops to jump through, and premiums may be adjusted upward, but you may still be able to access coverage.

Contact Rickey McGill Insurance Agency to Learn More

Contact us at Rickey McGill Insurance Agency of Arlington, TX, to see what life insurance plans you may qualify for. By answering a few questions, we can establish your eligibility and determine how you may be eligible.

If you have health or physical issues, don’t take it as a given that you are not qualified. Learn more by reaching out to us today.

Get Texas-Sized Business Protection with Commercial Insurance in Arlington

Everything is bigger in Texas, including a commercial insurance policy that can safeguard businesses from unexpected shutdowns, damages, natural disasters, and theft. Learn how to get Texas-sized protection for your business from the commercial insurance experts at Rickey McGill Insurance Agency in Arlington, TX. 

Commercial Insurance Basics for Arlington, TX Business Owners

Comprehensive commercial insurance acts like a virtual safety net for your business, protecting your beloved enterprise from unexpected perils. Commercial coverage kicks in when your business is threatened by unexpected shutdowns caused by cyber theft, natural disasters, or vandalism. A comprehensive policy can provide coverage for your products, critical customer data, commercial vehicles, and inventory. 

Commercial Liability Protection

Safeguard your Texas-based business from the devastating financial effects of lawsuits related to slip-and-fall accidents, product defects, or advertising injuries. A licensed commercial insurance agent can help you choose the best policy options to offset the costs of legal fees, judgments, and reputation management. 

Comprehensive Property Protection 

Nothing is worse than having to shut down your business operations because of loss of use of property due to vandalism, theft, fires, or natural disasters. Commercial Property Insurance can safeguard your buildings, equipment, inventory, and physical assets to help your business quickly recover from shutdowns related to loss of use. 

Workers Compensation Protections for Business Owners 

Workers’ compensation insurance can shield your business and its employees from financial losses associated with on-the-job accidents, which can lead to exorbitant medical bills and lost wages. When choosing the best commercial insurance to meet individual business needs, one size does not fit all. Commercial insurance experts understand the benefits of commercial insurance and can answer policy-related questions. 

Contact Rickey McGill Insurance Agency and get a commercial insurance quote today! 

What Makes my Vehicle “Recreational”?

Recreational insurance is unique. Automobile insurance is to insure cars and trucks. Boat insurance is for boats. RV insurance is for motor homes classified as recreational vehicles. Keep in mind that this is not the same as recreational insurance, which covers injury or damage caused by vehicles manufactured to have a good time.

Recreational Vehicle Vs. Vehicle of Recreation

For the most part, a vehicle is something someone uses to get from Point A to Point B. A recreational vehicle, commonly known as an RV, is both a means of transportation and a place of residence. A vehicle of recreation is a vehicle that is largely ridden just for the experience of riding. A motorcycle could fall under this, but as many people have a bike as their major or sole means of transportation, this is largely a form of insurance on its own. A boat is often taken out into deep waters and may be used for fishing purposes, so it falls under its own form of insurance. That leaves pleasure crafts such as personal watercraft (PWC) or all-terrain vehicles (ATV).  


PWCs and ATVs are both objects of transportation that generally can only carry the driver and one or maybe two passengers at a time and are driven for fun more than as a means to get to a certain destination. The PWC (sometimes referred to by the generic trademark Jet Ski or its major competitor Sea Doo) is operated on water, usually with the shore within sight. Many states require the PWC to be 100 to 200 feet from shore to build up enough speed to cause a wake. An ATV is for land. As the name suggests, ATVs can handle all terrain, whether rocky, sandy, muddy, or rooty. Insuring an ATV in Texas is not required, but it may be a good idea anyway. 

Rickey McGill Insurance Agency Serving Arlington, TX

If you are in the Arlington, TX, area and need recreational insurance, please get in touch with Rickey McGill Insurance Agency. We’re happy to help you. 

Renters Insurance Considerations for Specific Property Types in Arlington, TX

While renters insurance in Arlington, TX can help in all rental situations, you may have to consider other factors depending on the property type you’re renting. At Rickey McGill Insurance Agency, we want you to make informed decisions regarding renters’ insurance, so here are some things to keep in mind regarding renters’ insurance for different property types.

Renters Insurance for Apartments

If there’s theft or fire or some other event that affects the things you own, you’ll want your own insurance policy that will help repair or replace those things. Equally, suppose an accident occurs on the property, and you have some share of the blame for it. In that case, you’ll want your liability coverage available to see you through any lawsuits or payments that will otherwise have to come out of your pocket.

Renters Insurance for Condos

Your condo association’s policy will cover many things but may not cover your personal property. You can use renters insurance to cover your belongings and any personal liability. The condo association may even require you to have certain forms of renters’ or homeowners’ insurance, so make sure you review your bylaws carefully. You’ll want to find gaps in coverage and look for insurance options that will bridge or cover those gaps.

Renters Insurance for Rental Homes

You’ll need to protect your belongings. Again, the property owner will have insurance, but it will typically not cover your belongings or liability. Even if the homeowner’s policy covers some of your things or liability, you may find there are places where it won’t help you at all. As a house comes with more responsibility, you’ll want to make sure you know exactly what the property owner’s policy might cover and what gaps you’ll have to fill in.

If you rent in Arlington, TX, or maintain a home you don’t own, you need renters insurance. If you’re unsure of how renters insurance works for your type of property, or want more information on renters insurance, contact us at the Rickey McGill Insurance Agency today.