Who needs a full motorcycle insurance plan in Texas?

For those who live in the Arlington, TX area, getting a motorcycle can be a smart idea to get around. When you have a motorcycle, you will have a fun vehicle that you can use to get around the community quickly and efficiently. When looking for your next motorcycle, it is also important to consider your insurance needs. There are various scenarios when a motorcycle owner will need coverage. 

Those with a Loan

A situation when you need to have a full motorcycle insurance plan is when you have taken out a loan. Motorcycles today can be pretty expensive. Accordingly, taking out a loan to finance the purchase can make sense. If you are going to buy a bike, you will need to ensure you follow all rules set in your loan agreement. This will almost always require you to carry a full motorcycle insurance plan until the loan is paid off in full.

Those Driving on Public Roads

Like in other states, all motorists in Texas must carry liability insurance. When you have a motorcycle insurance plan, you can receive this coverage. This will ensure you have the financial resources to cover damages if you are at fault in an accident. This coverage will keep you in good standing and help you avoid penalization.

For those who live in the Arlington, TX area, getting a proper motorcycle insurance plan is always a good idea. When shopping for a new insurance plan, calling our team with the Rickey McGill Insurance Agency would be a great idea. When you call us at the Rickey McGill Insurance Agency, you can receive all the support you need to build a plan that will cover your motorcycle and keep you in compliance. 

Boat Insurance for Sailboats and Powerboats

Summer has arrived in Arlington, TX, so it’s time to consider the boating season. Boating is a great way to get outside, relax, and enjoy the water with family and friends. However, it’s important to remember that, like with any other vehicle on the road, accidents can happen on the water too. Rickey McGill Insurance Agency explains boat insurance for sailboats and powerboats – so you can be sure you’re adequately protected when on the water.

Insurance for Sailboats

If you own a sailboat, your insurance coverage needs will be slightly different than if you own a powerboat. However, you may want to consider a few other coverage options. For example, sailboats have masts and rigging that can be vulnerable to damage in bad weather or collisions. That’s why it’s a good idea to ensure your policy includes mast, rigging, and sail damage coverage. You may also want to consider liability coverage to protect you if someone is injured while on your sailboat.

Insurance for Powerboats

Powerboats come in many different shapes and sizes, which means they require different types of coverage depending on what kind of boat you own. One thing all powerboats have in common, though, is that they have a motor. That means you’ll need liability coverage that protects you in case someone is injured, or your boating activities damage their property. You’ll also want to ensure your policy includes coverage for damage to your boat’s motor.

With the right insurance policy in Arlington, TX, you can relax and enjoy the water with peace of mind, knowing that you’re adequately protected in case of an accident or damage to your boat. Contact Rickey McGill Insurance Agency today to cover your valuable assets. Happy boating!

Who Benefits From Umbrella Insurance?

Understanding how different insurance products work is essential to making good insurance choices. Here at Rickey McGill Insurance Agency, serving Arlington, TX, and the surrounding areas, we want to help our clients increase their knowledge of insurance products. Keep reading to learn more about umbrella insurance. 

How Does Umbrella Insurance Work?

Umbrella insurance is a special insurance policy designed to pick up when another insurance policy has been exhausted. This type of coverage can help protect you from unexpected liability expenses. If you exhaust an insurance policy and there are still expenses left to be paid, those expenses will come out of pocket for you. This could be difficult to handle financially, affecting your financial stability for years. 

What Is Policy Exhaustion?

We say that a policy has been exhausted if it has paid out up to the maximum payout amount, but there are still expenses left. These expenses then become your responsibility.

Who Needs Umbrella Insurance?

Anyone can benefit from this type of coverage, but certain people should seriously consider investing in this product. For instance, if you have many assets you want to protect, umbrella insurance is a good idea. This will help to decrease the chances of having your assets taken for liability expenses. You also might want to consider an umbrella policy if you are involved in hazardous hobbies or sports or work a job with a high occupational threat. 

If you would like to learn more about umbrella insurance, don’t hesitate to contact us at Rickey McGill Insurance Agency, serving Arlington, TX, and the surrounding areas. We will happily answer your questions today and help you find the policy for your needs. 

What types of coverage does condo insurance provide?

Condos can be a great way to break into the housing market. They are also ideal for those who are too busy or not interested in doing a lot of exterior home and garden maintenance. They are similar to homes when insuring them, but the coverage is somewhat different. At Rickey McGill Insurance Agency in Arlington, TX, we know the questions to ask to ensure you have the right coverage. 


Property coverage for a condo is slightly different from a freestanding home. The condo association master policy covers the exterior of the building. How far into the unit it goes depends on the policy. It can be walled in or all in. It is essential for you to know when choosing the amount of coverage that you need. 


Content coverage, like home insurance, comes in two types. You can choose the current value or replacement cost. Suppose you have expensive items of jewelry, antiques, or electronics. In that case, it is vital to have appraisals and endorsements to cover the amount above the coverage allowed by the policy. 


Liability is also shared with the condo association. Your responsibility will be anything that involves the interior of the unit and family members. The condo association covers the unit’s exterior, the public, and shared areas. 

Loss of use

If a covered hazard damages your condo and becomes uninhabitable, you will need to find another place to live while it is being repaired. Loss of use insurance will pay for your accommodations and may even pay for meals. 

At Rickey McGill Insurance Agency in Arlington, TX, our team is ready to answer any questions you may have about condo insurance. Give our office a call today, or stop by.

Do My Children Need Life Insurance?

When we think of life insurance, we often think primarily of adults and older people. You might be wondering if your children even need life insurance policies. Here at Rickey McGill Insurance Agency, serving Arlington, TX, we want to help you and your family make wise insurance choices. Keep reading to learn more about children and insurance policies. 

Do Children Need Insurance Policies?

As uncomfortable as it might be, the truth is your children need to have insurance policies active. An insurance policy is a smart financial move to ensure you have the proper resources should a tragedy hit your family. If you ever faced the tragedy of losing a child, the last thing you would need or want to consider would be how to pay final expenses. A life insurance policy removes this burden from you and your family. 

How Much Insurance Does a Child Need?

The answer to this question will vary from family to family. No set amount is suitable for everyone. Sitting down with an insurance representative to get the best information would be best. This professional will be able to discuss your family dynamics and help you decide how much life insurance might be right for your children’s policies. 

Will I Be The Beneficiary?

Yes, parents are often the beneficiaries of their children’s life insurance policies. However, it would be best to keep in mind that you need to have a living will in place that also names the beneficiary should you pass first. This is a crucial way to protect your children. 

If you want to learn more about life insurance, please get in touch with us at Rickey McGill Insurance Agency, serving Arlington, TX, and the surrounding areas. 

Protect Your Small Business From Cyber Attacks – Learn Why You’re At Risk

In today’s digital age, protecting your Arlington, TX business from cyber attacks is more important than ever. Cyber threats are constantly evolving, and millions of cyberattacks are occurring every year. In this post, Rickey McGill Insurance Agency will explain how to protect yourself, your customers, and your company from potential cyber threats.

How Many Cyber Attacks Target Small Businesses?

Small businesses are attractive targets for cybercriminals due to the lack of cybersecurity measures in place. Verizon’s 2021 Data Breach Investigations Report reveals that a shocking 46% of cyber breaches target businesses with less than 1,000 employees. This figure has been steadily increasing in the past few years. A report published in 2021 shows that small businesses have become prime targets for hackers and cybercriminals, with 42% of businesses being affected by cyberattacks last year.

Why Are Small Businesses Vulnerable to Cyber Attacks?

Cybercriminals can easily manipulate small businesses, as they often do not take cybersecurity seriously. Additionally, these organizations cannot say no to ransomware attacks because they do not have a backup system to recover data if they are attacked. Human error is the leading cause of data breaches at small businesses, with compromised credentials being the most common way cybercriminals initially attack a company’s data.

Implementing Good Cybersecurity Practices

Small businesses should take a proactive approach to cyber security to protect their information, networks, and systems. Establishing good cyber security practices such as using strong passwords, regularly updating software and applications, and training employees on safe online behaviors is important.

Additionally, small businesses should consider investing in cyber insurance to protect against the financial losses associated with a cyber-attack or data breach. Cyber insurance can help cover the costs of notifying customers, investigating the incident, recovering lost data, and restoring systems.

Rickey McGill Insurance Agency in Arlington, TX is a premier provider of cyber insurance services. We understand the unique needs of our clients and strive to provide comprehensive protection from cyber threats. Reach out to us today to learn more!

Tips to make your house more energy efficient

We at Rickey McGill Insurance Agency strive for energy efficiency, but it can be hard to know where to start. Fortunately, there are a few simple things you can do to make your Arlington, TX home more energy efficient and save money in the long run.

Here are some tips to help make your house more energy efficient:

  1. Use energy-efficient light bulbs: Energy-efficient lighting like LED bulbs use significantly less electricity than traditional incandescent bulbs, so making the switch can have an immediate positive effect on your energy bill and reduce the amount of electricity used in the home.
  2. Install insulation: Insulation helps keep the heat inside your home during winter and outside during summer. Installing or upgrading insulation in areas like attics or walls can make a huge difference in keeping your home’s temperature regulated and maintaining comfortable temperatures year-round without using excess energy.
  3. Change air filters regularly: Dirty air filters reduce airflow and make it harder for your HVAC system to do its job efficiently, increasing energy consumption. Regularly changing air filters ensures your system is working at its full potential, saving you money on energy costs over time. 
  4. Utilize natural lighting: Using natural light during daytime hours can save electricity costs and reduce carbon emissions while providing an enjoyable living environment within your home! Try setting up mirrors strategically around rooms to reflect daylight into dark corners of the house, allowing natural light to flow through windows more readily throughout the daytime hours. 

For more tips on optimizing energy efficiency and getting the most out of every dollar spent on energy bills, call us at Rickey McGill Insurance Agency today. We serve the Arlington, TX, and DFW area.

How to prepare your vehicle for winter weather

Steps for Winter Weather

As winter approaches the Arlington, TX area, it is vital to ensure your car is ready for the cold months ahead. To prepare your car for winter, there are several steps we at Rickey McGill Insurance Agency suggest that you should take. 

  • First, make sure to check the level and quality of your oil. If the oil has a dark color or a lot of sediment, it’s time for an oil change. You should also check the coolant levels in your radiator and top it off as needed. While doing so, checking your other fluid levels is also a good idea. 
  • Next, check your headlights and taillights to ensure they are in good condition and working properly. Winter weather can decrease visibility significantly, so it is important to have lights that are bright enough for other drivers to see you clearly. 
  • Also, consider getting new windshield wipers if yours no longer works efficiently. Snow and ice can be tough on wipers, so having good ones will help keep you safe in those winter storms. 
  • Finally, make sure all four tires are properly inflated and ready for winter driving conditions. Tire pressure often drops as temperatures get colder, so check them frequently throughout the season just to be safe. 

By following these simple steps, you can ensure your car is prepared for whatever this winter throws! For more winter driving tips, call us at Rickey McGill Insurance Agency today. We proudly serve the Arlington, TX area and would be glad to help keep you safe on the road this winter.

Don’t Set Out on the Open Road Without Recreational Insurance

If you and your family plan to set out on the open road for adventure, be sure to secure adequate recreational insurance to protect you from the unforeseen. The agents at Rickey McGill Insurance Agency, serving Arlington, TX, are ready to help you get the coverage you need today. 

Recreation Insurance 

Recreation insurance allows you to get extra protection for recreational vehicles like RVs. Even if the rental company provides you with insurance, you might need more. You can purchase this temporary coverage to give you extra protection while traveling if there’s a covered incident. 

If you’re interested in getting good recreational insurance for an upcoming vacation or excursion, you can contact our insurance agency and get the assistance you need to make the process hassle-free. Our team members are ready to help you get the best coverage for your specific situation. We work one-on-one with each individual to understand their present and future needs. We also assist with the buying process and offer customer service for any changes, claims, or renewals while you’re a customer. It’s all a part of our commitment to delivering unparalleled service when you need it. Don’t leave home without recreational insurance coverage. 

Reach Out Today 

Anyone in or near the Arlington, TX area needing recreational insurance or other insurance products can call or stop by our office at Rickey McGill Insurance Agency to speak to an agent. We can provide details about the services and coverage we offer. Our goal is to give our clients peace of mind with the protection they can count on while on an adventure or going about their daily lives. Reach out today. 

Three Instances When Renters Insurance Kicks in to Help

Most people believe that their landlord’s insurance will cover them in the event of an accident or theft, but this is not always the case. Our renter’s insurance at Rickey McGill Insurance Agency in Arlington, TX, is designed to protect tenants from financial loss if their personal belongings are damaged or stolen. The following are scenarios in which your policy would provide coverage.

1. Damage Caused by a Neighbor

You are not responsible for damage caused by another tenant in your building, but their landlord’s insurance will not cover the repairs. If a fire starts in your neighbor’s apartment and spreads to yours, damaging your belongings, your renter’s insurance would step in to help pay for the repairs.

2. Water Damage

Landlords are responsible for maintaining the property and ensuring that it is up to code, but they are not responsible for damage caused by your negligence. For example, if you leave the water running and flood your apartment, your landlord’s insurance will not cover the repairs. However, your renter’s insurance would cover the damage to your personal belongings.

3. Theft

Your landlord’s insurance will not cover your belongings if stolen, but your renter’s insurance will cover the loss. It is important to remember that there is usually a deductible that you would have to pay before your policy kicks in. Hence, choosing a policy with a deductible that you are comfortable with is important.

Find The Right Tenants Insurance Policy to Protect Your Belongings

No one likes to think about the worst-case scenario, but it is always better to be prepared. If you are a renter, ensure you are protected by obtaining a renters insurance policy. At Rickey McGill Insurance Agency in Arlington, TX, we can help you find the right policy for your needs. Contact us today to get started.