Utilize Local Insurance Agency To Protect Your Motorhome in Arlington, TX

Having a motorhome can be fun, exciting, and essentially become your home full-time if that is what you choose. With such an investment as a motor home, you must have motorhome insurance to protect yourself legally as much as possible. 

We at Rickey McGill Insurance Agency are based in Arlington, TX, and are dedicated to going above and beyond for our clients. We have served residents in our area since 1877. When you are shopping for motor home insurance, here are a few details you need to know about. 

By Texas state laws, you are required to have at least liability insurance when your motorhome is on the road. Now, it is recommended that you look into full coverage options. However, you do not have to. Full coverage not only helps you cover the basics in the case of you being at-fault in an accident, but it also comes with collision and comprehensive coverage as well. In addition to the latter, as your motor home is a very important investment to keep safe, full coverage also covers other scenarios as well for you. Situations such as theft, storm damage (important for those that travel frequently), vandalism, hit and runs, and hitting an animal (unfortunately, this is a common situation that happens). 

Are you ready to speak with one of our agents to find suitable motorhome insurance? Our friendly agents will make sure that you are provided with all of the necessary information you need before and after you make your decision. To reach us in our office, please feel free to call us at (817) 861-3400. The team at Rickey McGill Insurance Agency in Arlington, TX are prepared to help you get started.

The Basics of Motorcycle Insurance in Texas

Any injuries sustained on a motorcycle are potentially much more severe than inside a car. The National Highway Traffic Security Administration found motorcyclists to be 26 times more likely to be injured than a passenger in a vehicle. The most common cause of motorcycle incidents are blindsided collisions. This can potentially cause severe injuries to the driver of the motorcycle. The most common type of injuries include damages to the spine or head, both extremely critical areas of the human body.

Motorcycle insurance is separate from auto insurance. One big mistake people make is to get less coverage for their motorcycle, which can be cheaper than a vehicle. However, it is important to note that when you have motorcycle insurance, you are not only protecting your own motorcycle but also protecting yourself, other people, and other people’s property. The rate of insurance will depend on the age and history of the diver, type of motorcycle, and the actual limits of the specific policy. High value or vintage motorcycles are expected to have higher premiums. Additional features such as roadside insurance can increase the premium, but they provide excellent value for the benefits they offer.

It is vital to get yourself educated on the basics of motorcycle insurance so you can make an informed decision. You can get education and guidance through a registered local insurance agency. Rickey McGill Insurance Agency serving Arlington, TX has agents that are well-versed in the legal requirements of the state of Texas. We can guide you through the policies that are most suited to your needs, goals, and preferences. We can guide you through the process and determine the level of coverage you should get in your situation. Rickey McGill Insurance Agency is certified and has a great reputation for getting things done. You can get in touch with our team in Arlington, TX by phone, e-mail, or stop on by and give us a visit.

When Should You Purchase Boat Insurance During The Year?

If you are a boat owner, you will likely need to have some boat insurance during the months when the boat is being used. But, when is the best time to purchase boat insurance during the year? Most people will have their boats in a dry dock or parked on their property when they are not using it. In this case, home or renters insurance may cover the boat.

Boat Insurance Coverage

If you are only planning to use your boat during certain months of the year, you can cancel coverage and buy a new policy before you put your boat in the water again. This strategy will help keep you from maintaining unnecessary coverage and then allows you to have the policy in place when you are ready to use your boat again. Before making any changes to the coverage, or buying boat insurance, consult with an experienced insurance agent.

Insurance Agencies

Having boat insurance in place is a requirement in some situations, but having the right amount of coverage requires the assistance of a skilled insurance agency with agents who know how these policies work. We can suggest the correct type of coverage or options that match your current needs. In addition, we can help explain all of the fine print associated with each policy so you can be informed about how coverage works throughout the year. Consult with Rickey McGill Insurance Agency serving the residents of Arlington, TX before settling on a policy. 

Call or stop by Rickey McGill Insurance Agency serving Arlington, TX to find out more about boat insurance and policy options. Our agents are ready to answer your questions and help you get started.

What You Should Know About Umbrella Insurance in Texas

You may have homeowner’s insurance, car insurance, and other types of insurance to protect your family and your assets, but what if your insurance needs go beyond your current coverage? In that case, umbrella insurance will provide the extra coverage that you need. At the Rickey McGill Insurance Agency in Arlington, TX, we help clients find the right policies. Here’s what Texas residents need to know about umbrella insurance. 

Umbrella Insurance Coverage  

In Texas and other states, you can get personal insurance coverage as well as commercial insurance coverage. What is umbrella coverage for? If you reach your coverage limit on another insurance policy, your umbrella insurance can cover the excess. Umbrella insurance has proven especially helpful for protection against lawsuits. Texas residents often choose umbrella insurance if their homes or businesses come with a significant lawsuit risk. For example, a lot of Texans have open land, swimming pools, and other properties that may lead to a lawsuit in case of injury. Umbrella insurance gives these homeowners and business owners some extra peace of mind. 

Texas Has Choices 

There’s no shortage of insurance choices in Texas. Your umbrella insurance options come in a wide range of coverage choices. All of these options can get complicated, and you’ll want to make sure that you get the right coverage for your needs. One way to make the most informed choice is to talk to an independent insurance provider. The right provider can help you match your umbrella insurance to your coverage needs. 

Rickey McGill Insurance Agency

Want to talk to an insurance agent about your policy options? The Rickey McGill Insurance Agency is ready to help. Contact us today, or visit our office in Arlington, TX. We’ll answer your questions and help you find your umbrella policy.

Why do I need condo insurance in Texas?

Congratulations on being a condo owner in the great state of Texas. Owning a condo is a significant investment, and like owning a free-standing home, it needs to be protected. Talking to the agents at Rickey McGill Insurance Agency in Arlington, TX can help you to be able to relax and enjoy your new home. There are several reasons that you need condo insurance; all of them are important. 

Condo association insurance

Your condo association carries a policy that covers the exterior of the building, so things like the roof and the exterior walls are not your responsibility. They also cover common areas like the parking lot and the community pool, gym, or hot tub. This is all great for you, fewer things to worry about. However, their insurance does not reach inside your walls.  

Your responsibility

If you have a mortgage, your lender will require that you carry condo insurance to protect their investment in your condo. You are personally responsible for your appliances, kitchen cabinets and countertops, bathroom fixtures, and anything inside the exterior walls. Your personal items are also your responsibility to cover, imagine losing your electronics, clothing, and furniture. Loss can come in a variety of ways, including fire and theft. 

Beyond just the loss of everything you own, you need to protect yourself against the possibility of someone being injured while visiting you. Being sued can cost you thousands, and your condo liability insurance will help to make sure that your assets remain safe. 

At the Rickey McGill Insurance Agency, our experienced staff is always ready to help to meet your condo insurance needs. If you live in or near Arlington, TX, why not give us a call or stop by our office for a no-obligation quote. You will be glad you did, and your condo will thank you too!

Life Insurance Buying Tips

Getting life insurance is a smart move whether you’re a young person just out of college or an older person starting a family. Rickey McGill Insurance Agency will get you started with a few insurance buying tips that will help keep you from making some simple mistakes.

Think About Your Beneficiaries

It’s not the best option to name a minor as your beneficiary. The insurance company can tie up the death benefit for a minor are not able to accept life insurance directly. It wouldn’t be available until they’re 18. At that point in receiving a lump sum, the child will have no intermediary to help guide them with their new wealth. You make your child a beneficiary because you don’t want them to worry about money for school or life. But this could make it a little more difficult. When they get the lump sum, they may spend the entire amount within a few years or even months.

Get Comparative Options

When looking at quotes, make sure you comparison shop. You’ll want to look at the cost of the premiums and the terms versus the death benefit. Don’t just look at the lowest premiums. That may not be the best option for your beneficiaries. With the Rickey McGill Insurance Agency in Arlington, TX, our independent agents can go over several options with you before you make a decision.

How Much Coverage Do You Need

Take a good look at your finances and decide what type of coverage you’ll need. You might consider having at least 6 times your current salary. If you are making $100,000 per year in Arlington, TX, than the death benefit should be $600,000. This would be the amount to cover any debt and funeral expenses that you’ve accrued over your lifespan.

Situations Where You Need Commercial Liability Insurance

When visiting your business, a client falls on loose carpeting, your employee leaves the water running in a customer’s home, someone files a lawsuit claiming misleading information in one of your ads — all these situations can lead to court battles and financial disaster if your Arlington, TX business isn’t properly covered.

To review your coverage to ensure it pays for the associated medical and legal expenses and punitive damages, call Rickey McGill Insurance Agency. In the meantime, here is some information on commercial liability insurance that every business owner should know

What Does Commercial Liability Insurance Cover?

Commercial liability insurance covers your legal defense and damages if you are held liable in a court proceeding. A lawsuit can have many negative impacts on your business and is one of the most frequently used types of coverage.

Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability

Bodily injury and property damage protect you from legal liability and pay for bodily injury or property damage experienced by others. It covers events that occur at your place of business or elsewhere if the incident involves the negligent act of you or an employee.

Personal Injury and Advertising Injury

These types of coverage protect you from liability for several offenses, including libel, slander, copyright infringement, false arrest, wrongful evictions and using someone else’s ad ideas.

Medical Payments

This type of coverage includes injuries for non-employees due to an event that occurs on your business premises or as part of your business activities. Approved medical payments claims pay for surgical, medical, ambulance, hospital and funeral expenses for someone hurt or killed in an accident at your premises or deriving from your business operations.

Contact Rickey McGill Insurance Agency today to set up an appointment for a quote on general liability and other commercial insurance coverage for your Arlington, TX business.